Just Imagine...
1.If your employees could be driven by that same strong feeling you feel in your gut, heart and brain, that one vision which is so crystal clear in the way you feel but perhaps can't always put into empowering messages and words or clear communications that people take in the right way without getting afraid or being assaulted by what you as leader or manager say.
2.Your employees could just transparently feel safe to share where they are at what worries they have within the company, without only being able to satisfy them by throwing bonus after bonus to them. So you could provide them with the answers that will satisfy them in the right way without ending up, overpromising or pleasing, putting everyone else at including yourself financially and emotionally at risk.
3.Creativity, all wired in the brain and nervous system why its permant, they know themself how to make themself happy and take charge with confidence about the task they do in the company, now the importance of the core company values als hard wired drive
4. Each individual could become so happy and fulfilled that there is no reason, to complain or feel lack leading to more effortless communication, connection and consistency of productivity within each individual as well as the leading authorities roles.
5. You could wave a magic wand to prevent all those upcoming burn-out, bore-outs, stress-outs or freighted employees to speak up when they need to to their busy boss.
6.That there is a way to make everyone happy without burning out or ending up with a feeling of guilt or overwhelm of all your responsibilities as boss, manager or employee.